Spring Summer 2020 Pantone Colors Trends

Wow! The 2020 Spring Colors that Pantone picked for its Spring - Summer 2020 fashion trends report are lovely, aren't they? Surprise ... Chive (hello, any shade of green!!!) is my fave ... but I'm also loving Coral Pink, Saffron, and Cinnamon. Based on what I'm seeing trending out in the fashion and home décor world, I'm predicting Coral Pink, Saffron, or Sunlight as the 2020 Color of the Year. But we'll just have to wait and see.
Sunlight (Pantone 13-0822) goes with everything, it's a lovely neutral that really does remind me of the morning sun that streams through my studio windows.
Some of my color combos use sunlight, saffron, and coral pink paired with a bold accent color (red? who am I?).
My take on holiday color combinations ... because I ALWAYS have Christmas on my mind. I think if you paired any of the above color combos with something a little sparkly they are super festive.
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